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AgendaMarseille/Marskiwi/10-1-2014 -Event 1

858 octets ajoutés, 14 septembre 2014 à 18:44
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Wolvserpent WOLVSERPENT (doom usa) + DEVEIKUTH (drone) / Le Lounge<br>http://img.imagesia.com/fichiers/oe/10537970-10204808158631608-6608146326985417074-o_imagesia-com_oel0_small.jpg<br>'''Wolvserpent''' (Boise, ID, USA) – Drone-Doom-Atmospheric-Spiritual-Minimalist<br><br>Relapse Records /Wolvserpent Records / 20 Buck Spin / Crucial Blast<br><br>'''DEVEIKUTH''' (France) – Funeral Drone<br><br>"We have attented too many funerals. We bought a bunch of amps. Actually far too many for our actual musical skills. We fire them up and find the worst sounds imaginable and do-able. The ones that can peel you skin with screeching feedbacks and shake your bones with the deepest, most rumbling bass. Feedbacks high as Heavens and bass frequencies that can reach down below. Expect nothing except a blackened funeral mass. Funeral Drone. Funeral Noise. Not Music."
Paf : 10 euros<br>Wolvserpent <br>https://wwwfbcdn-sphotos-f-a.facebookakamaihd.comnet/wolvserpent<br>hphotos- droneak-doomxap1/t31.0-atmospheric-spiritual-minimalist<br>Paf : 10 euros8/p480x480/10537970_10204808158631608_6608146326985417074_o.jpg