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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/12-6-2012 -Event 1 : Différence entre versions

De Paris Kiwi
(Aucune différence)

Version du 11 novembre 2012 à 13:39


ROCKPOST & WON 28 présentent

Le jeudi 6 décembre 2012 à 20h

On est hyper hyper hyper heureux de vous présenter un plateau comme ca. Ca va faire 8 ans que UZEDA n'a pas joué dans nos contrées et à Paris par la même occasion, et comment dire, sans en passer par des périphrases bien connues : "c'est immanquable", "ca va changer ta vie", "c'est le meilleur groupe sur scène depuis que Jesus Lizard a raccroché ses santiags", "même en 1994 Jesus Lizard faisait pas la poids", "y'a un match le même soir, mais pour Uzeda y'a pas photo", "C'est Noël avant l'heure" !

UZEDA (Italie)

Uzeda is a four piece band that hails from Catania, a city in the region of Sicily. Catania is known for its close proximity to Mt. Etna, a volcano so consistently explosive that it makes the most obvious and closest point of comparison for Uzeda's music. It seems only right to say that Uzeda is the musical equivalent of this smoking mass of rock, because the songs they create together ebb and flow like molten lava. And the red-hot blasts of noise they've forged on their six albums, are fiery enough to leave scars and burn marks.

One of the first things you'll notice upon listening to Uzeda is the anguished screams of lead singer Giovanna Cacciola. Notice just how quickly she can switch from crooning to howling on her intense singing." She practically reaches out of the speakers and demands your attention." The angular, corrosive guitar work courtesy of Agostino Tilotta is right there in the mix too, providing its own commentary. And the punishing combo of Raffaele Gulisano on bass and Davide Oliveri on drums is the group's constant. Throughout the albums, Raffaele's bass work takes the lead as often as any other instrument. One-sided music this is not.

This type of songcraft needs a sympathetic producer, so who else were the band to call than Steve Albini? He and Uzeda have a long history together, with him having recorded 4 of their 6 albums. He traveled to Catania/Sicily to record Waters, to France to record "4" , to France again to record "Different Section Wires" , to Senigallia/Italy to record Stella . Sure enough, the sounds he captured on tape are just as muscular and natural as you'd expect watching Uzeda live on stage. And any fan of the genre will be thrilled to discover the wonderful performances the band laid down in the studio.

Every album has been distilled down to the rough essence of its pure creation. And if you need your bands to make concessions to the listener, forget about it. This music is made for those who like their rock uncompromising, passionate, and honest. There isn't a lick of false pretension in Uzeda's music. And that's the only way they'd have it.

A VOIR : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFDq7fsgMZk A ECOUTER : http://www.myspace.com/uzedatheband


Pratique un rock brut, direct, inspiré de « l’école de Chicago » (Jesus Lizard, Shellac, Dazzling Killmen, Big’N, …). Le groupe s’est fait une spécialité de proposer à ses auditeurs une plongée en apnée dans « un univers vicié, fiévreux » (kfuel.org) où un chant féminin, parfois mélodique, souvent oppressant, réussit à s’extraire des multiples pièges posés par deux guitares cinglantes et une batterie sèche.

A VOIR : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDQv9VxVdOY A ECOUTER : http://choochooshoeshoot.bandcamp.com/

signé Thomas Rockpost (http://www.rockpost.fr/) et Victor WON 28 (http://www.facebook.com/Wonvingthuit)

PAF : 8,5 € n prévente / 10 € sur place Ouverture des portes : 20h Action : 20h30

ESPACE B 16 Rue Barbanègre 75019 PARIS Métro Corentin Cariou

Flyer : F.Massacre (http://francoisemassacre.wordpress.com/) Flyer ici : 394034_4712858901284_1938641728_n.jpg