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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/6-14-2014 -Event 3

De Paris Kiwi

[14/06/2014] Wanted one-armed Bandits (Skacore from Russia) + Rising Strike (5 piece skacore punk from UK) + Nosebone Inc Orchestra (Punk / Ska) @ Amsterdam Pub PAF 5€

Wanted One-Armed Bandits (Skacore from Russia) Wanted One-Armed Bandits are a Ska-core band from Karachev, Russia. They were formed in 2008 by two friends, Andrew and Ivan, based around the theme of “ska-core”, the scope of which is extremely vague. Over the years, they grew up, and already with an initial audience, they sought to ensure that their sound was generally somewhat heavier, darker and arty. They departed further and further from the original idea of ska-core, and avoiding stereotypes, they now have become more involved in progressive hardcore and metalcore.

They are influenced by the work of artists such as A Billion Ernies, The Bandgeek Mafia, Voodoo Glow Skulls, The Flaming Tsunamis, Comeback Kid, Catch 22, Big D and the kids table, etc. (source: http://kikdrum.com/2013/07/15/wanted-one-armed-bandits-everythings-decided/ ) https://www.facebook.com/wantedonearmedbandits https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCezHVfdJ7VUXMLuQOdSNQGA

Rising Strike (5 piece skacore punk from UK) Fast, heavy and political skacore from Stoke and Manchester, UK. For fans of Folly, Propagandhi, Leftover Crack. A TNS records production. http://www.risingstrike.co.uk/ http://risingstrike.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rising-Strike/73532411924

Nosebone Inc Orchestra (Punk / Ska) Nosebone inc., c'est l'histoire de 9 potes. 9 guerriers sonores qui aiment faire parler la poudre. Leur artillerie ? Du ska déjanté, un soupçon de métal, un côté punk et une énergie débordante. Tous les ingrédients sont là pour un cocktail incendiaire aux tonalités métalliques et cuivrées qui emporte tout sur son passage. Le public est transporté de la fièvre d'un champ de bataille à la ferveur festive d'une arrière salle de bar enfumée. Il en ressort le souffle court et les bras ballants. Nosebone inc. ça sent la sueur, et tant mieux. La saveur existe !

https://www.facebook.com/NoseboneInc http://fr.myspace.com/noseboneinc

PAF: 5€

Amsterdam Pub (Turku Bar) 147 rue d'avron: Métro 9 Porte de Montreuil Mais aussi T3b , Bus 57, 315