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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/5-10-2014 -Event 1

De Paris Kiwi
Révision de 11 février 2014 à 19:19 par Unpleasant (discussion | contributions) (IVRY UK DECAY + UNEXPEXTED GUEST + STEVE LAKE & POG play ZOUNDS + CRESS + UNFIXED + CONSTANT STATE OF TERROR + DYSTOPIAN SOCIETY)

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DAY 3 SOFT-------------------

╍ SAMEDI 10 MAI de 14H00 à 01H00 ╍ SATURDAY MAY 10TH from 2pm to 1am

      • Bands :

UK DECAY (UK Dark positive punk 1978)


- 3.CRESS (UK Anacopunk crust 1996 formed on the ashes of The Deformed)

- 4. STEVE LAKE with POG members make ZOUNDS songs

- 5. DYSTOPIAN SOCIETY (IT Dark Punk Deathrock 2010 ) Dystopian Society were born in Florence, Italy, at the end of 2010 from an idea of Max Skam and Sara Hexe. After the release of the first demo/EP "Dystopian Society" in April 2011, they started to gig all over Italy. In June 2012 the first album "Cages" was released, followed by italian and european gigs. In 2013 a vinyl version of Cages has been released by american anarchopunk label Mass Media Records. Currently they are working on the next releases that will be out in 2014. Their music is a mix of old school goth, deathrock and punk with some anarchopunk and hardcore punk influences.

- 6. CONSTANT STATE OF TERROR (UK Anarcho punk hardcore band 2004)

- 7 UNFIXED (Uk82 Punk Hardcore with all Meinhof Members 2011) UNFIXED are the band founded by members of Meinhof. They are based in London, UK. The band's discography consists of two full albums, "Punk Chaos Disorder" and "Battleside". Unfixed are Rosy (vocal / bass), Jarek (guitar) and Frank (drums).

Ouverture / Opening 14h00 Fermeture / Closing 1am

LE SOFT 32 rue pierre rigaud, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine PAF 15 Euros / jour PARTICIPATION FOR THE EXPENSES 15 euros /day Pre-reservation : unpleasantmeeting@gmail.com