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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/5-26-2014 -Event 1

De Paris Kiwi

koonda holaa + alien whale

rendez-vous lundi 26 mai


► LE PICOLO DES PUCES 58 rue Jules Vallès - 93400 – Saint-Ouen (M) 4 Porte de Clignancourt (M) 13 Garibaldi Créé en 1919, le Picolo est le plus ancien café des Puces.

► KOONDA HOLAA http://www.discogs.com/artist/Koonda+Holaa http://www.arte.tv/fr/koonda-holaa-fou-du-desert-tracks/6391746,CmC=6387426.html http://zigzagwanderer.fr/koonda-holaa-the-shit-man-2012

► ALIEN WHALE (NY U$A) http://alienwhale.bandcamp.com/

trio : Matt Mottel (of Talibam!, on keys), Colin Langenus (of USA is a Monster, on guitar), & Nick Lesley (of Necking, on drums). They are “THE BEST DAMN BAR BAND IN TOWN!” -Tim Dahl (bassist in Child Abuse).

“Alien Whale may be the best biker rock band NYC has eternally known. Spawned in summer 09 ‘the Whale’ is a ruling power trio intensity… the blurr of Motorhead via the wrong nite acid trip of Steppinwolf and u start to get the idea. … ”

+ d'info. bientôt