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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/6-20-2016 -Event 1

De Paris Kiwi


lundi 20 juin @ 20h --- au saveurs du monde, 19 rue barbanegre, 75019


Holzkopf (Vancouver) Holzkopf is Western Canadian musician Jacob Hardy. While active under various names and in various projects since 1997 (STD, Distal Magg, Titanarum, others), the first Holzkopf album was recorded and released in 2001 on Canadian label Dainty Deathy Recordings. Since the first album, there have been many phases and styles of Holzkopf with very little firm lines between them: from microsound experiments, (almost) slapstick collage and deep ambient music to gospel influenced industrial electronics, harsh noise dub and fast paced, cut-up dance music. A decidedly non-traditional musician, they have mainly used tape recorders for cuts and scratches as opposed to turntables, budget bin samplers and mixing board feedback and raw circuits in place of synthesizers. While junk is the main medium for Holzkopf, they also occasionally showcase keyboards, drums, guitars and some hi-fi soundscapes on releases and in live performances. https://soundcloud.com/holzkopf666

Autoreverse (Paris) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ_lds7NA7g&feature=youtu.be

Tête Orientale. ( france/czech ) 2/3 de ( feu ) Bülanz Orgabar. last collaboration, spring 2011. Romano Krzych + Scenes from Salad https://soundcloud.com/romano-krzych http://jeancharleslagoya.blogspot.fr/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjJTMogUAns

Yogi Data (US) https://yogidata.bandcamp.com/

tj pont-saucisse meets la banque de jeu de pharaon (fr/iran/america/kingstown) (Dub non Dub cassettes mix chansons) Blenno die Wurstbrücke (Paris / Iran) (povera sound system) mc/tj Pont-saucisse gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras gras http://diewurstbrucke.blogspot.fr/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E7KG_U7XnM + la banque de jeu de pharaon (paris/america) aka thomas no lagos non chanson française et rythmiques légèrement arythmiques https://nolagosmusique.bandcamp.com/track/un-plaisir-doubli http://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66550