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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/12-5-2012 -Event 3
louis lingg& the bombs a la miroiterie
Louis Lingg and the Bombs
Back from their tiring tour of Paris, the armed and dangerous revolutionaries have blood on their hands... Only joking! They just want to bomb... and go!
SUBFOBIAS Massive conspiracy nuts from Spain! Obsessed with enough weird shit to fill up You Tube twice over! These guys can really play and they'll freak the fuck out of you with their spiky blues punk attitude! http://www.reverbnation.com/subfobiaseuropa
Keira Mount Keira They were a cracking grunge pop band but I think they've had one too many absinths because now they have tranformed into stoner monsters. Do you dare wander into their cave of noise? http://soundcloud.com/keiramountkeira
Les Bécasses The undisputed best songwriters in all of France, they've held the crown of best french pop-punk songs quite a few year in a row. It's no exagerration to say that their very existance frequently makes loser major record label punk bands cry themselves to sleep at night. I'm not even thinking of you Uncommonmenfrommars, you weren't even in the race! http://becasses.propagande.org/
Gonna be be good one!
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Full Details: http://www.reverbnation.com/show/9068744