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Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/8-23-2015 -Event 1

De Paris Kiwi


M.D.C. (Punk-hardcore, U.S.A.) American punk rock band formed in Austin, Texas in 1981. The band was subsequently based in San Francisco, California, and are currently based in Portland, Oregon. Originally formed as The Stains before changing their name, the band also changed their name to a different initialism of MDC with every new record released. They play fast hardcore punk music espousing far-left sociopolitical ideals, with singer Dave Dictor expressing his animal rights and anti-capitalist http://www.mdc-punk.com/MDC/MDC_PUNK.html

YOUTH AVOIDERS (Punk-hardcore, Paris) Entre deux chroniques dans Maximum Rock'n'Roll et un séjour chez l'Oncle Sam, les loustics émigrent de Bastille pour le 9-3 http://youthavoiders.free.fr/

ARTWEG (Hardcore-punk-métal, Paris) Forts de leurs expériences, ARTWEG développe une musique mêlant metal, punk, et hardcore en ajoutant une énergie dont eux seuls ont le secret http://www.artwegofficial.com/ BAZOOFI (Punk vénère, Paris) Du son bientôt

Dimanche 23 Aout à 18h:

A Montreuil

P.A.F. 5€


Infos et réservations : unpleasantmeeting@gmail.com