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De Paris Kiwi


630 octets ajoutés, 25 juillet 2012 à 07:39
Page créée avec « Hi, My name is Gabriela Costa. I've never worked on a wiki project before, so this is my first! I've been out of work for just about six months,<br>and I have to practice my… »
Hi, My name is Gabriela Costa. I've never worked on a wiki project before, so this is my first! I've been out of work for just about six months,<br>and I have to practice my typing and editing skills or I won't ever be able to get back into the workforce. I'm looking forward to getting my brain moving again.<br><br>Since I'm still kind of new around here, I'd seriously appreciate feedback on anything I might mess up.<br>I'm not really sure how that works, but I'll get the hang of it eventually.<br><br>So, I guess that's me.

Here is my blog post ; [ Click Here]

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