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De Paris Kiwi

Agenda/Detruire Ennui Paris/11-6-2015 -Event 2

714 octets ajoutés, 6 octobre 2015 à 14:02
Page créée avec « '''SCUM OF TOYTOWN et CARTOUCHE''' probablement la comedia, a suivre allez écouter les ecossais de Scum Of Toytown ... "Running, backwards, b… »

probablement la comedia, a suivre

allez écouter les ecossais de Scum Of Toytown ...

"Running, backwards, breathless, fluid

Moving and yet stuck I will get through this

Make the waves to wash away the muddiness of waters

Rising, slipping, twisting through these streets of so called conversation

Speaking indirectly through the polished sheets of broken glass"

For punks,

Pranksters, and

Cultural gangsters

Inspire, co-operate,

Conspire, re-generate

A republic of dreams

Of desires without barriers

Subversive as love

Set free from constraint

The message we send

Is the means

Is the end

If not you then who?

If not now then when?
1 353

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