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De Paris Kiwi
Page créée avec « Fichier:2016-03-27 (web).jpg '''Dimanche 27 mars à 20 heures''' '''THE MALADRO!TS''' Schopfheim, De / Pop-punk / The Maladro!t spit out their anger, their hate and lo… »
[[Fichier:2016-03-27 (web).jpg]]
'''Dimanche 27 mars à 20 heures'''
Schopfheim, De /
Pop-punk /
The Maladro!t spit out their anger, their hate and love in cliché-free, melodic, ass-kicking, rock’n’roll-punk songs, sometimes 70s punk-heavy, at times more like pop or garage, but still snotty. The Maladro!ts have been gigging since March 2007.
Paris, Fr /
Pop-punk /
ooh la la, oui oui, MALADROIT are French ! Started like a goofy side-project we played more than 200 shows the last 5 years and released 2 EPs, 2 albums and 3 splits with The Sainte Catherines, Charly Fiasco & Teenage Bubblegums ! Our song structures are simple as fuck, the choruses sticky like a "pomme d'amour" and the guitar solos, played with one finger... almost annoying. We sing about our loser experiences, especialy with girls, life on the road and DIY punk scene, sometimes in french so no one gets it, but you know... c'est la vie !
'''PENG! PENG!'''
Freiburg, De /
Organ-garage-trash-punk-pop /
Two years ago Peng!Peng! released their 7“ through the co-production of Spastic Fantastic Records (Dortmund), Crapoulet Records (Marseille) supported by C8H10N402 Records (it's the formula of caffeine). After a break caused by everyone leaving Germany for a while and then settling down in different cities, they now have new material, with the tendency of more graveness, bass and a keenness to experiment. Their critical, personal and allusive songs still don't lack the joy of making fun of their own idiocy and are often played after switching instruments while the organ gives its best with a kind of epileptic solo entertainment.
Colmar, Fr /
Posi hardcore /
Dix tournées (France, Europe, Amérique du sud), 250 concerts et « Unlearn », dernier EP sorti en janvier 2016: pas de temps mort, The Boring joue vite et fort, entre punk-hardcore puissant et engagement positif. Ils poseront leurs riffs et lyrics avec toujours la même rage contre toute forme de discrimination.
'''A la mécanique Ondulatoire'''
'''8, Passage Thiéré'''
'''75011 Paris'''
'''P.A.F. 6€'''
'''Dimanche 27 mars à 20 heures'''
Schopfheim, De /
Pop-punk /
The Maladro!t spit out their anger, their hate and love in cliché-free, melodic, ass-kicking, rock’n’roll-punk songs, sometimes 70s punk-heavy, at times more like pop or garage, but still snotty. The Maladro!ts have been gigging since March 2007.
Paris, Fr /
Pop-punk /
ooh la la, oui oui, MALADROIT are French ! Started like a goofy side-project we played more than 200 shows the last 5 years and released 2 EPs, 2 albums and 3 splits with The Sainte Catherines, Charly Fiasco & Teenage Bubblegums ! Our song structures are simple as fuck, the choruses sticky like a "pomme d'amour" and the guitar solos, played with one finger... almost annoying. We sing about our loser experiences, especialy with girls, life on the road and DIY punk scene, sometimes in french so no one gets it, but you know... c'est la vie !
'''PENG! PENG!'''
Freiburg, De /
Organ-garage-trash-punk-pop /
Two years ago Peng!Peng! released their 7“ through the co-production of Spastic Fantastic Records (Dortmund), Crapoulet Records (Marseille) supported by C8H10N402 Records (it's the formula of caffeine). After a break caused by everyone leaving Germany for a while and then settling down in different cities, they now have new material, with the tendency of more graveness, bass and a keenness to experiment. Their critical, personal and allusive songs still don't lack the joy of making fun of their own idiocy and are often played after switching instruments while the organ gives its best with a kind of epileptic solo entertainment.
Colmar, Fr /
Posi hardcore /
Dix tournées (France, Europe, Amérique du sud), 250 concerts et « Unlearn », dernier EP sorti en janvier 2016: pas de temps mort, The Boring joue vite et fort, entre punk-hardcore puissant et engagement positif. Ils poseront leurs riffs et lyrics avec toujours la même rage contre toute forme de discrimination.
'''A la mécanique Ondulatoire'''
'''8, Passage Thiéré'''
'''75011 Paris'''
'''P.A.F. 6€'''