• Surprise! Un nouveau kiwi expérimental est en cours de fabrication... (plus d'infos dans la page des actualités)
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    En cas de besoin, écris à smonff@pariskiwi.org. Merchi.


De Paris Kiwi

What's up? My name is Prince Delacruz and I am majorly impressed with how much is up on this wiki project, and I'm
looking forward to helping out. I'm a full time parent of a beautiful baby boy, and even though I should be sneaking in naps when I can, I spend the majority of my free time on the internet. It can get kinda boring staying in the house all day, and babies aren't great conversationalists.

Since I'm still new around here, I would honestly appreciate feedback on whatever I might bungle. I guess you can put things here and I'll see them?
I'm not really sure how that's done, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

Here is my page ... google keyword competition